216 Cloverdale Lane
Schaumburg, IL 60194
847 843 7630

Having come of age during the political unrest of the early seventies, I’m always drawn to artists like Jenny Holzer and Kiki Smith. Their dramatic images stir people to change the way they see and think about the world outside of themselves. My work, however, is about a different level of truth telling. It’s not necessarily deeper, but perhaps more elusive. It flows unconsciously through my hand and brush to tell the stories of unadorned figures in isolation, bringing to light their inner realities. My head may be influenced by political imagery, but my heart is filled with the Madonnas and the Mary Magdalenes of the early Italian Renaissance, the beauty and mystery of Vermeer’s figures standing in the light of their windows, and Bonnard’s cherished Martha, forever captive in her apartment interiors and bathtub rituals. My image making is driven by my need to tell the truths I cannot articulate in words about the small, reflective moments that fill the greater part of any day.